Payment methods

We accept payment by credit card, debit card, or bank account (ACH). You can pay the most convenient way for your company.

Card (credit or debit)

We accept all major card brands, including:

Bank account (ACH)

We accept all banks in the United States. All bank accounts must be verified before use, either through "instant" login or through slower micro-deposits.

Wire transfer

We accept wire transfers for bulk orders. You can contact us for wire transfer details.

No fees/discounts

Your choice of payment method does not impact your price. We do not charge convenience fees or surcharges on card or wire transfer payments. Likewise, we do we offer discounts on bank account payments.

Preferred payment method

You can set any of your payment methods as your preferred payment method, so it will be automatically selected when you place a new order.

We automatically set your preferred payment method as the first payment method you use.

You can change your preferred payment method:

  1. Log in to your ReReady account (or open a free account).
  2. Click the "Settings" button at the top.
  3. Select an option for "Default payment method", then click to submit.

Storing payment methods

When you enter a payment method's details, we automatically store it for you to re-use later. This maximizes convenience for your future orders. (We never process a payment without your express authorization.)