Terms of Service


Add Four LLC has developed and owns software that serves as an "outside IT department" by providing services such as equipment returns management. Such services are provided to You on a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) basis. This Agreement governs the Parties' behavior in connection with Your usage, as well as Your access to and usage of the Service (as defined below).

  1. Acceptance of Terms of Service
    1. By using ReReady (the "Service", available at www.ReReady.co), You accept this Agreement. Using the Service is defined as providing any form of input to the Service, or receiving any services or benefits from the Service.
    2. The Service may be accessed either as an individual or on behalf of an organization. In the case of the latter, You warrant (i) that You are authorized to represent the organization and (ii) that You accept this Agreement on behalf of the organization as You are authorized.
    3. This Agreement may be modified from time to time and all usage of the Service will be subject to the version of this Agreement in effect at the time of Your usage.
  2. Software Access; Restrictions
    1. Subject to this Agreement, we grant You a limited, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to access and use the Service via a web browser.
    2. We host the Service and make the Service available to You for usage via a web browser. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall transfer any rights in or to the Service other than those rights specifically contained in this Agreement. We are not obligated to make available or deliver any copies of software or code in any way, shape, or form.
    3. You shall not (i) copy, modify, alter or create derivative works from the Service; (ii) lease, rent, distribute, or resell the Service; or (iii) use the Service as the basis for creating a competitive solution (or assisting a third party to do so).
    4. You shall use the Service in compliance with your applicable local, regional, national, and international laws, rules and regulations.
    5. You shall not, personally or via third-party authorization, (i) use the Service to upload or distribute any content that is unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, abusive, contains viruses, or is otherwise objectionable as reasonably determined by Us; (ii) resell, reproduce, duplicate or exploit any part of the Service without Our express written permission; or (iii) use any robot, spider, another automated or manual process to monitor or copy any content from Our software.
    6. The Service includes basic maintenance at no additional charge. This includes reasonable efforts to make the Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for: (a) planned downtime, or (b) any unavailability caused by circumstances beyond Our reasonable control, including without limitation: acts of God, acts of government, natural disasters, acts of terror, internet service provider (ISP) failures or delays, strikes or other labor events (other than those involving Our employees), or denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
  3. Data Protection; Indemnification
    1. The safety of your data is a priority to Us. You can see how We protect and handle Your data in Our Privacy Policy.
    2. We are obligated to observe and are working in accordance with United States data protection laws.
    3. In the event Your data has been breached, You will be promptly notified of the nature and scope of such breach and We will immediately initiate remedial actions consistent with industry standards.
    4. We shall not be liable for any damage caused by data handling or processing except where we have not complied with GDPR obligations specifically directed at data processors or where we have acted against lawful instructions from You.
  4. Payment Terms
    1. If You reside within United States, Our fee includes sales tax. If You do not reside within United States, Our fee excludes taxes and duties and You are responsible for payment of all such taxes or duties.
    2. Unless agreed otherwise, Your account remains open until terminated in accordance with this Agreement.
    3. All payments are due immediately, as pre-payment for the Services provided. All payments are to be paid by credit card.
    4. You shall provide written notice at least 3 days before disputing a payment, to allow Us time to review your account and seek mutual resolution with You. If You dispute a payment or otherwise cause a payment to be reversed, Your access to the Service may be suspended until you contact Us and pay any outstanding balances. If Your dispute fails, We may charge you a $250 chargeback fee to contribute toward the costs You incurred unnecessarily.
  5. Proprietary Rights
    1. We own all rights, titles and interests in and to the Service, including without limitation all intellectual property rights, and such rights are protected by United States intellectual property laws.
    2. We retain all rights, titles and interests in and to the Service as well as modifications, regardless of whether You have provided inspiration or input regarding such modifications.
    3. You retain all rights, titles and interests to all input uploaded to the Service by You, or by Us on Your behalf if this information was already in Your possession. We have no rights or interests in Your personally identifiable information.
    4. Provided that such use does not reveal personally identifiable information, We may collect, use, and disclose performance and transactional data related to the use of the Service for Our business purposes.
  6. Your Responsibility; Illicit Use of the Service
    1. You accept that We do not exercise any control over Your specific labor practices or decisions related to employment, promotion, compensation, or termination at your organization. You assume full responsibility for all decisions made with respect to Your use of the Service and agree to use the Service at Your own risk.
    2. It is solely Your responsibility to monitor Your compliance with all applicable laws when using the Service.
    3. Uploaded content and information must be consistent with law and regulations that apply to You. Any and all uploads that may cause harm to Our interests or public image are not permitted. This especially applies to the following: uploading content in contravention to any applicable data protection, criminal, and copyright laws as well as personality and commercial protection rights; uploading content of any defamatory, harassing, fraudulent, libelous, obscene, virus-containing, unconstitutional, sexist, racist, or pornographic nature.
    4. In the event You violate an obligation of this Agreement, We have the right to restrict access to the Service until You cease the violation and remedies any relevant consequences.
    5. You will be held responsible for the actions of Your employees using the Service. You shall indemnify us from any and all claims asserted by other users or other third parties on account of illicit use of the Service by You or any of your employees.
    6. In the event of any preclusion, termination rights and claims for damages shall not be affected.
  7. Affiliate Program
    1. You may participate in the Affiliate Program by sharing your "Affiliate Link", which can be found via your "Affiliate Program" page in the Service.
    2. We will pay you an Affiliate Commission of $100.00 for every company that pays for at least one device return of any amount and that you are the first person to refer.
    3. We may choose to pay Affiliate Commissions by electronic gift card, payment app, bank transfer, wire transfer, or any other method that we both agree to.
    4. We may change the terms of this Affiliate Program at any time.
    5. We reserve the right to suspend your Affiliate Program participation at any time if we believe you are:
      1. Engineering user behavior to generate excess commissions.
      2. Causing harm to our reputation.
      3. Abusing the Affiliate Program in any way.
  8. Arbitration
    Any dispute arising between the Parties shall be resolved by Arbitration by the American Arbitration Association. There shall be 1 Arbitrator who shall be appointed by mutual consent of the Parties. Arbitration will take place virtually. The Arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on both Parties.
  9. Liability Limitation
    1. In no event will We be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data, or data use, incurred by You or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort, arising from your usage of the Service or any content provided on or through the Service.
    2. Nothing in this Agreement will: (i) limit or exclude any liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; (ii) limit or exclude any liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (iii) limit any liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or (iv) exclude any liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.
  10. Term Activation and Termination
    1. This Agreement is effective upon Your first usage of the Service and applies in full until Your usage has ended.
    2. You may terminate Your usage of the Service by emailing us at support@reready.co. Your access to the Service will be terminated immediately. You will not receive refunds or credits for termination unless agreed otherwise.
    3. If we believe you have violated this Agreement, or are abusing the Service in any way, We may suspend or terminate Your access to the Service without liability.
  11. Name Usage
    1. You authorize Us to use Your name(s) when We contact third parties at your request.
    2. You authorize Us to disclose the fact You are Our customer. You grant Us the right to reference Your organization name and logo in marketing materials online and offline.
  12. Miscellaneous
    1. Neither You nor Us will assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without prior written consent of the other party. Any such assignment shall render this Agreement null and void.
    2. Any disputes that the parties cannot amicably resolve shall be settled by the jurisdiction of the courts of Wyoming, United States.
    3. If any provision of this Agreement shall be entirely or partly invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced with the relevant valid and enforceable provision that as closely as possible reflects the economic intention of the invalid or unenforceable provision.
    4. This Agreement is made for the benefit of the parties, and is not intended to benefit any third party or be enforceable by any third party. The rights of the parties to terminate, rescind, or agree any amendment, waiver, variation or settlement under or relating to this Agreement are not subject to the consent of any third party.
    5. This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the Service and supersedes all prior representations, agreements and understandings, written or oral.