Set custom emails for receipts

You can have your receipts emailed directly to your finance department, to minimize email clutter and maximize bookkeeping efficiency. Available for Enterprise accounts only.

What are receipt emails?

Like every online service provider, ReReady emails a receipt every time you pay for a service. In our case, every time you pay for a return.

Why set custom emails for receipts?

ReReady sends receipts to the user's email by default. However, many users don't want these receipts, and would prefer them sent to one or more other email addresses. For example, users might want receipts emailed to some of these addresses:

What happens if you set a custom email for receipts?

If you set an email receipts, ReReady will send all receipts to that email instead of your email.

Can multiple email addresses be set?

Yes, you can set up to 3 email addresses by separating them with commas. For example: ",".

How to set a custom email for receipts?

To set a custom email address for receipts:

  1. Log in to your ReReady account (or open a free account).
  2. Click the "Settings" button at the top.
  3. Click the "Company settings" button at the top.
  4. Click the "Set receipt emails" button.