Notifications & reminders

You can double the odds of a successful return by enabling the notifications & reminders. All users can enable email, and Enterprise users can enable text messages.

Enabling the notifications & reminders makes your return 2.3 times more likely to be successful.

What are the notifications?

These emails and/or text messages are sent to your employee when you place an order, if the carrier is unable to deliver the empty box to the employee, and when the empty box is delivered. They ensure your employee is aware of the return process.

What are the reminders?

These emails and/or text messages are sent to your employee at intervals after the empty box has been delivered. They prompt your employee to return the laptop using the box and prepaid shipping label, or to ask questions if necessary.

When are the notifications & reminders sent?

The notifications & reminder messages are sent at these intervals:

  1. Notification when empty box will be shipped soon
  2. Notification when empty box is delivered
  3. First reminder to ship 3 days after empty box delivered
  4. Second reminder to ship 6 days after empty box delivered
  5. Third reminder to ship 9 days after empty box delivered

Reminders will not be sent if reminders have been disabled for the return, or if a pickup is pending.

How are the messages sent?

All users can enable notifications & reminders by email. Only Enterprise users can also enable text messages in addition to, or instead of, email.

Can reminder messages be stopped?

Yes. If a user or employee asks us to stop sending reminder messages to the employee, we can immediately disable them for that return.

Can reminder messages be customized?

Yes, Enterprise users can customize all messages sent to employees, including both emails and text messages.